WW2 Recon Deluxe
by toecutter
A slightly expanded version of Santa's Head's ORIGINAL recon map and units. Designed by ether, made by toecutter (me). Testing by Bonky, NoAll, Ablit, Promight, Vegemite and many others (thanks auzziez who are up at that time of night when I work on plugs).
No changes to terrain, units, ammo or anything affecting play. Even that rpg that you can get on elim, but not patrol you still can't get on patrol. Enjoy the familiarity.
UNTOUCHED with the exception of the following:
A) Patrol Changes:
1) added Stamp, FR, Scavvies, Hunting, CTF and BOP to patrol.
2) added a 2 man version of patrol (scout).
3) added a 4 man version of patrol (squad).
4) added a 5 man version of patrol (platoon).
5) added a 6 man version of patrol (brigade).
6) added a 7 man version of patrol (regiment).
7) added a 8 man version of patrol (batallion).
B) Elim Changes:
1) added Stamp, FR, Scavvies and Hunting to elim.
2) added a version of elim with no ammo for dueling.
C) S-4 Changes:
1) added Stamp, FR, Scavvies and Hunting to S-4.
D) S-2 Changes:
1) added Stamp (you actually have to get targets to flag), FR, Scavvies and Hunting to classic S-2.
2) added a version of S-2 with 24 solds max instead of 20. everyone gets 3 with no can in 16 player game.
3) added a version of S-2 with 14 solds max instead of 20. Great for small 2 team games, because
everyone hates playing 2 team s-4 in the swamps.
4) added a version of S-2 for dueling in unranked with no rpgs or ammo.
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