WWII Veterans v1.0
A larger WWII map with WWII units that have been scripted to progressively vet like mazz units. Aim and speed increase slightly with each kill. It will take some effort to have a unit remain alive who has enough kills to create a veteran advantage. All …
Tr0ball: Peasant Futbol
Peasants on a football pitch. Each team has trow to kick the peasants into the goal and fetch to zap the peasants in the goal to score. Regular kick and a mana based super kick that can send a screaming peasant flying to the far end of the field.
A Poison Holiday 2007 MWC Edition
A beautiful design by limp. I put the crap together. Light: arcs/wars/thrall/heron/ghols/wight/locks/dorfs stamp=peasants ass=rubber ducks Dark: trow/morts/fetch/myrks/zerks/souls/mauls/wights stamp=wolves ass=barons Medium Rare (dantski): 2 forest …
Divide MWC 2007
I was asked to change the color indexing on herons to make it easier to tell teams apart for the Great Divide map, here you go. I also made it easier to tell the Heron Heroes from the regular herons. This is a Badlands creation, I did not make or design …
Fosgarach Ruillick MWC 2007
I did NOT design this map. I did NOT make this map. I only deleted the self destructing thrall. Also I added a dark trade. Trow Fetch Mauls Myrks Morts Spids Souls Wights
A Poison Holiday Tournament Edition
Note: The most current version of this map is available here. Limp designed this tourney map. I made it pretty for him based on some lame sketches he made. Great team map with well thought out crossings and choke points. North and south starts, …
Force 11
My first c0-0p map ever. Thanks to Ares for an amazing scripting tutorial and all of the help I got at the ClanPlaid and Udogs hotline servers. Ghols take revenge on the light. Ghol heroes and a captive Jman must defeat hordes of light units. Way back in …
Force 11: the Running of the Bulls
Sequel c0-0p to force 11. Ghols versus all kinds of baddies. Tons of fun things to pick up and throw. Tons of easter eggs. Epic assortment of tasks to complete to win.
The Mod Map v2
I was in an order called [mød] for a nanosecond. (the original one). They had me make this map. It is like gfgg... there is also a mesh with venice units. Also aslo too is a c0-0p. The c0-0p can be fun. This is version 2 from 2002 where I added the c0-0p.
Arena Quatro
4 start map. Center elevated arena. Unit sets: Trow (If I Had A) Gimble Raid Gfgg Good 2 team or FFA map. Designed for good alliance play also (2 each). Hunting on gfgg: hunted units attack you.
WW2 Desert Canyon v.3
WW2 units vs. undead in the desert. Vetting bonuses awarded (faster shooting, free ammo, 1UP! etc). Several multiplayer options also. Scripting issues fixed from v2. Blow up zombies! A soldier sneaks up behind a pack of zombies. Setting up for CTF …
WW2 Recon Deluxe
A slightly expanded version of Santa's Head's ORIGINAL recon map and units. Designed by ether, made by toecutter (me). Testing by Bonky, NoAll, Ablit, Promight, Vegemite and many others (thanks auzziez who are up at that time of night when I work on …
Heroes and Madmen Remix v05
More like robotron with amped up myth units than waiting to be attacked. Hit and run, herd enemies into ambushes. Use your inventory to select the proper weapon for the opponent at hand. All units vet way up and are capable of many special attacks. Bowman …
Trowball (aka tr0ball)
Tr0ball 2006/2007 Holiday Edition v2 Latest version. tutorial is here.
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