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Most Downloaded Items (946 - 960) for Myth II
The Legend of Gor-Ash
Creation's first map and the first solo map ever made for Myth II was The Bre'Unor Attack. The Legend of Gor-Ash is a prequel to that map and a tribute to it. Don't be fooled by this modest premise, however. Legend of Gor-Ash exceeds anything we've ever …
The Seventh God
"The goblin armies from the west are coming. Cities will topple before them, before their relentlessly marching divisions and terrible beasts of war. The unwilling Northmen ferry them across the sea in a black tide. While b'Tahk looks back, I look forward …
The Bre'Unor Attack
"The bre'Unor Attack," along with three other Creation maps, was named as one of the eight "must-have" solo maps by Acrappa of myther.com in his excellent guide to solo maps. Thanks Acrappa! Pick up his guide here! "The bre'Unor Attack" was the first …
Ages Units Final
This is a creation of Lord-Icuss, please do not attemmpt to steal this as your own...If you would like to have the fear and loathing files to work on a projst please ask at lordsofmyth@hotmial.com... PLace this in your myth 2/plugins file. " Copyright …
A Gambler's Heart
A Gambler's Heart is the first Creation multiplayer-only release. There are two reasons to get this map - great gameplay and amazing eye-candy. The design of Gamblers promotes strategic maneuvering above battleground tactics. The elevation differences are …
The Legend of Gor-Ash FFA
Legend of Gor-Ash FFA - A fun multiplayer FFA map from creation with five new unitsPeople have been awaiting the Legend of Gor-Ash for a long time. It is important to note that this is not the epic 4-level solo campaign that Creation submitted to the Mill …
Shattered Earth
Shattered Earth - a map of challenging terrain & strategy from Creation. SE is a map with meshes for 2, 4 & 6-team games. Varying unit-sets battle in the setting of a valley that has sustained geological upheavals of varying levels. These …
1861 - Civil War Multiplayer
The 1861: Civil War unit tagset strives for a great level of detail and historical accuracy. Union and Confederate forces are each rendered from different 3D models, creating authentic-looking uniforms, with several 'hue change' permutations adding visual …
Massive Battles and Explosions
FILMS Steal Axe and WestdoX fooling around with coma plugin , plus weirdobodoms. (may be required for replay?) 500duffs: In this film, we layed out some 300 satchel charges, then blew stuff up on proving grounds (about 1:30min wait on 16x) -coma plugin …
River of Life
River of Life is the second segment of the 2-part project named "A Separation of Ages". River of Life is a Solo/Coop/8-start Multiplayer FFA map featuring challenging play in each of its game types. RoL page: …
River of Gold
"A Separation of Ages" is yet another new approach to mapmaking from Creation. Solo fans will consider this project a Two Map solo scenario. Multiplayer FFA fans will consider this a pack of Two Multiplayer maps with a wide assortment of meshes/unitsets …
Peace on the Ramparts
"Unbelievably FUN gameplay on one of thecoolest maps Creation NEVER made!!!!" Yes, I said NEVER made! WE DID NOT MAKE THIS MAP... that honor goes to someone named KillerK whom no one seems to know nor remember. An enclosed Castle with fantastic Ramparts …
A Separation of Ages
In proof that Creation is alive & well & still doing what we do best, we would like to announce "A Separation of Ages"This project is a two-map solo/Multiplayer scenario. It tells of the challenges of warrior friends Gwyon & Seven Wind. The 2 …
Coming of the Dark
Coming of the Dark is the first series of single player / co-op maps made by a team of many diversely talented and dedicated people. It not only features excellent map scripts by Ares, Merlin, and Imperator, but also has very realistic and functional …
CoD: Banks of the Ire
Coming of the Dark is a series of single player maps designed to bring to life the battles of Myth's history. It is a high-quality series that features excellent gameplay designed around past battles referred to in Myth: The Fallen Lords and Myth II: …
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