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Latest Items (31 - 45) for Myth II
Forest Heart II M2
This has been ported to Myth II by Jon God The Tain would be paradise compared to what you will encounter on this new variant of the TFL solo. Instead of being whisked away into the dark recesses of the Tain, you must face an insurmountable army, fight …
Flight from Covenant II M2
This has been ported to Myth II by Jon God Think you're nimble? Quick? Think you can escape like you did last time? Think again. Waves and waves of evil will impede your progress, and challenge you like you have never imagined before. You will encounter …
Mazzarin's Demise
Ported to Myth II by Jon God Last, but far from least, Mazzarin's Demise, the long awaited and extremely addictive coop is included with this plugin. It pits you against the largest hoard of enemies ever seen in ANY Myth map. For more details, check out …
Mazzarin's Demise II M2
This has been ported to Myth II by Jon God After scores of enjoyable games of the original Mazzarin's Demise, we decided to try to perfect it. Version 2 includes almost 100 improvements, tweaks and surprises, most notable of which is you can now play with …
Ambush at Devil's Overlook II M2
This has been ported by Jon God, to Myth II. You will face all new challenges on this new variant of the TFL solo classic, which will require of you and your teammates unconventional strategies for a solo map. Joining forces with your grenade-throwing …
Legends of The Fallen Lords Volume 1
LEGENDS OF THE FALLEN LORDS VOLUME 1 Gallery of overhead maps for all the ported maps Where to begin - I guess with the trigger for this project. One day, July 28th, 2024, remedial. found an article online talking about some Badlands maps for Myth: The …
Break the Wheel
Happy to release my second map! Break the Wheel contains 4 meshes: 6-team light 6-team dark 2-team light 2-team dark This plugin features 2 seldom used units... the dark meshes feature Bre'Unor, and the light meshes feature Thell Warriors. The unit sets …
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