Brave the Ghenjiwash
by GimpMask
- File Size:
- 8.1 MB
- Type:
- Coops/Netmaps
- Author:
- GimpMask
- Rating:
- Downloads:
- 871
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This plug-in includes a solo game and a net map with four meshes. The solo map proper is very different from the netmaps, but they are part of the same geographic theme (neighbors in a campaign I am slowly fleshing out).
The netmaps have already been released under the name "Talus," but they are included here as well. These maps are designed not to conflict with the previously released plug, but this also means they are not considered the same maps for the sake of play (by the Myth engine).
The Story.
"Legends hold that a spring found at the heart of the great Ghenjiwash is possessed of mystic curative powers. It is said that those waters could heal the gravely wounded and even return to life the recently dead. But then, according to myth, a demon cursed the spring, and it soured. Thus, the waters that once restored life would now only return the corruption of a person, reanimating the foul carcass, but only as a cruel mockery of life.
"Somewhere in those days, and for what reasons we shall forever remain unsure, men built a fortress deep in the Ghenjiwash, presumably nearby the spring. Whether to protect or to horde the power of the precious healing water, or to quell the foul legion that later rose from its cursed murk, none can say. It is now only ruins, and merely a place of whispered tales of dread.
"What lends credence to this legend however, are the stories of the dead that wander the vast wetlands. Locals will not venture within the dread place, and travelers so bold and foolish to do so are never again seen.
"There is the abundance of treasured mandrake root that grow wild on high ground deep within the swamp as well. The plants feed from the essence of the spring but purify the taint of the horrible curse. This has made the region exalted amongst the brotherhood of the Heron guard. To them, the Ghenjiwash remains a holy place, despite its menacing reputation.
"Recently, horror has gripped the villages that line the southern reaches of the Ghenjiwash. Capricious tales of sighting the undead host has turned to frantic claims of attacks and pleas for help from the nearest outland lord. One haunting account speaks of an unseen beast that appears only as it fills with the blood of it’s victim.
"Lord Nanteyr has dispatched some of his best men to resolve the matter…"
Final note. This solo game has the flavor of the multiplayer game "Drowned Kingdom" in that the map is similar. It based on that mesh, but it has been altered to be completely unique. Beware of false familiarity: you may be lulled into a sense of false security by virtue of the fact that it "seems" to be the same mesh.
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