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Highest Rated Items (1096 - 1110) for Myth II
Dol Baron Tribute
This is Just a simple version of Sandman's Dol baron co-op. Scripted for my own amusement after I could not find the original anywhere. There is alot of action.
HeadEditX Source
This is the sourcecode for HeadEditX. It requires XCode and PyObjc to compile. Macintosh only (hence the X in the name).
Equinox Map Pack 1
This has been deprecated by the individual plugins being uploaded (arsaidh, ziggurat, and sundering), as well as a newer ffa mesh (duelism). of the first three, only arsaidh has been updated; the other two are still the same 1.0 as in this pack, though i …
40K: Heretic Units
Item description taken from The Mill: Warhammer 40,000:Heretic **NOTE: 40K:Heretic works fine on Macs, but there is a problem with PC's, the games crash on B.net when you first damage someone. I cannot find the problem that makes PC's crash as I don't …
Heroes of Haxors 2 : The Pit
The Pit is a new map for Heroes of Haxors 2 released a couple of months ago. The map is a circle arena set near the Proving Grounds of myth. In the middle is a huge pit where most of the fighting takes place. Some balance issues have been resolved in this …
Trow Killer Deluxe
Trow Killers Deluxe is a series of Co-Op Myth II: Soulblighter maps that introduces a horde of new units for both light & dark. If you are a fan of Mazz, this will be much the same with mutli-levels so vets can advance. As you win each map, you also …
Barbarian Dwarfs
Barbarian Dwarfs-Long before Balor's defeat these dwarfs were captured by ghôls and brought to Myrgard. After days of thinking together they have outsmarted the ghôls and escaped. Ever sence then they have never been the same. They have turned into …
I'll Gimble on your Grave
So, as the name implies, this map is a combination of gimble and grave. Specifically, the map is grave, with gimble units and game types. There is some editing of the mesh to allow for 6 starts. The map also has an early winter setting, with patchy snow …
Reverse Brigands and Warriors
A very simple plugin that changes warriors to brigands and brigands to warriors on the maps where they appear. This idea came from videos showing brigands being on the light side and warriors being on the dark side, as in the case of the level into the …
Sleepy Valley
Story While on a short break, relaxing at a local pub in Tallow, we got some disturbing news via messenger. The once peaceful town of Sleepy Valley had been terrorized two nights previous to this. The messenger had never seen such horrible beasts. He …
Fosgarach Ruillick MWC 2007
I did NOT design this map. I did NOT make this map. I only deleted the self destructing thrall. Also I added a dark trade. Trow Fetch Mauls Myrks Morts Spids Souls Wights
the watcher [beta]
One of the Fallen The story of the watcher "Bahl'al The Watcher - the most powerful enchanter who has walked ties lands of Myth, Bahl'al lives since before the Age of Reason. It is said that he obtained his mastery over the undead exploring the temples …
Fall of Scales
This two level map takes place shortly after the fall of Avon's Grove but before Myth TFL and involves one of the Fallen Lords. These two levels are independant of another and incorporate different scripting to the difficulty of the player. The first is …
Duelism 1.0 important: i failed to reduce the cost of oathbearers from 2 to 1 when i uploaded. they aren't worth 2 points, end of story. however, so many people have already downloaded it and i'm not even sure people would use them even at 1 point. give …
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