by Artilheiro - I made this tagset at the request of Paris. This tagset is the modified units of my Defend the hill plugin. If you want a touch of realism this tagset is perfect for you, as you've ever wondered why a warrior with the armor he wears takes the same amount …
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by PLATINUM12 - Takes all the native M2 units and gives them 10x the HP. Makes coops very challenging and multiplayer games more interesting. Also is a great tagset for teaching unit techniques and strategies especially for training for melee fights.
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by MAIK of Lone Wolf Creations - This Tagset replaces the standard model units Myth II: Soulblighter on Hi-Res models from Iron Duke. The Fallen Levels v2 [coming soon!] Soulblighter [available version v1] Multiplayer [available: regular Myth 2 maps] Tagset works. But if there are any …
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by Haravikk of Project Magma - When this plug-in is added to your version of Myth II it will make warlocks turn into body pieces (heads, arms, legs e.t.c) instead of disapearing magically and leaving behind only a staff which is a bit boring. This plug-in makes warlocks nice and …
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by Blake - Crazy, awesome fun. The list of modifications is lengthy, but here are some of the things you can expect to 'freshen up' most of your old games (works great with M2, TFL levels, TSoT, CBI, GoC and many more! A separate tagset exists for WW2, but I can't …
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by vinylrake of Order of H'Pak (OoH) - A VRy Drunken Slugfest is a unit replacement tagset that converts all standard Bungie netgame units to other Bungie units that Drunken wanted players to use in his "Drunken Slugfest" tournament. This isn't a traditional slugfest tagset, so if that's what …
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by Zak's Mapmaking Team! - Brigands now only cost 1 point (instead of 2) and have 25% reduced hit points. Bre'Unor now only cost 2 points (instead of 4) Fetch now cost 10 points (instead of 6) Dwarven heroes now cost 10 points (instead of 8) Trow now cost 30 points (instead of 24) …
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by Pyro of Project Magma - This will swap the flags for balls on King of the Map and Territories (since KotM reuses Territories flags). While the Territories gametype has a ball version (Captures), KotM does not. This is similar to Baak’s KotH Flipper but for KotM. (Note: This …
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by Juliocpaes - This tagset included is a plugin called "Medusa of forest" for you to test the behavior of the Medusa, version "forest." She no has a bow/arrows, only petrifying magic and very strong punch. This version of the Medusa for myth 2 is unpretentious in not …
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by Juliocpaes - Finally I upload this FINAL version of Zombie Hand. I toss in a Read This.txt and a New Plugin Preview image. *Fixes by GHOST®. press F6 and Read flavor , press "U" for taunt (this unit is very insulting e taunting). "Unit zombie hand" is a severed hand …
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by esco - A bugfix and minor enhancement of the original MMC plugin by Karl Marx(I think?) Once upon a time, I discovered the Myth Made Cool plugin and thought it was pretty cool... Except for the bugs. And the lack of (sane) documentation. So I made a bugfix for …
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by Olong - A simple plug in that does not interfere with anything in the game, in either net or solo play. It is a very pleasant addition to the game. What is does is swap the ugliest of the Bungie trees (pine tree, for example) with beautiful Chimera trees. That's …
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by Capital of Crow's Bridge Cartographers - This changes the gravity of games, cool things happen, install and see...
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by Zak's Mapmaking Team! - Not the most original idea but I decided I'd make a tagset. This grab bag method was done by ooga before me but mine is completely different! The units are a mix of bushido, jinn, TSG, and a couple others. I modified them to be VERY close to the original …
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by oogaBooga - This is the unit-only tagset that switches many normal Myth units for their Bones of Feros counterparts. All credit goes to Gimpmask and SpliNe. And I think baak also, I believe he had something to do with recovering these things (I was given the files …
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